Media Press Coverage
Hudson Valley Blues Society Brings Jam Sessions to Brewster, by Holly Crocco,
The Putnam County Times October 12, 2o22
Various Artists - Blues Alive in the Valley: Lockdown Sessions, by Marty Gunther, Blues Blast Magazine, May 17, 2021
Hudson Valley Blues, by Alison Rooney, The Highlands Current, February 2021,
Singing the Blues, Hudson Valley Group releases 'Lockdown Sessions' CD, by Abby Luby,
Halston Media, LLC, January 2021,
Sandro & The O.G. Show on Pawling Public Radio, Interview with Paul Toscano, HVBS President,
and Jacque Roche, 11/30/20
The Hudson Valley Blues Society (THVBS) Releases Double CD Featuring Original Blues Music!
Hamlet Hub, 11/23/2020
Hudson Valley Blues Society Brings Jam Sessions to Brewster, by Holly Crocco,
The Putnam County Times October 12, 2o22
Various Artists - Blues Alive in the Valley: Lockdown Sessions, by Marty Gunther, Blues Blast Magazine, May 17, 2021
Hudson Valley Blues, by Alison Rooney, The Highlands Current, February 2021,
Singing the Blues, Hudson Valley Group releases 'Lockdown Sessions' CD, by Abby Luby,
Halston Media, LLC, January 2021,
Sandro & The O.G. Show on Pawling Public Radio, Interview with Paul Toscano, HVBS President,
and Jacque Roche, 11/30/20
The Hudson Valley Blues Society (THVBS) Releases Double CD Featuring Original Blues Music!
Hamlet Hub, 11/23/2020